How to Properly Clean Wool Products

Why is it necessary to maintain wool products?

Wool products are usually very soft and comfortable, but if not properly maintained, they can become tangled, pilled, and even shrink or deform. Therefore, proper maintenance is essential for wool products.

How to properly clean wool products?

Step 1: Brush off surface dust

Before cleaning wool products, use a soft brush to remove surface dust, hair, and other debris. This can prevent dust and stains from getting deep into the wool fibers during cleaning.


Step 2: Choose the right detergent

Choosing the right detergent is crucial, especially for wool products. Some common detergents may damage the structure of wool fibers, leading to shrinkage and pilling. Therefore, it is best to choose special wool detergents to avoid these problems.

Step 3: Wash in warm water

Wool products should not be washed in hot water because it can cause the wool fibers to deform and shrink. Therefore, when cleaning wool products, it is best to choose warm water with a temperature below 30℃.


Step 4: Gently rub

After soaking wool products in water for a while, gently rub them, but avoid rubbing too hard as it can damage the structure of the wool fibers.

Step 5: Rinse thoroughly

After washing, be sure to rinse the wool products thoroughly to avoid detergent residue that can cause pilling.


Step 6: Squeeze gently

After cleaning, use a clean towel to gently absorb the water from the wool products, avoiding squeezing too hard to prevent deformation.

Step 7: Air dry

Finally, air dry the wool products in a well-ventilated area, avoiding high-temperature drying, which can cause shrinkage and deformation.


Post time: Jun-28-2023